Sunday 24 August 2014


Yesterday was my birthday, and the last day of my unbuying year. On birthday mornings it has become a ritual to get some solo time outside; to run and worship and begin my year off right. Feeding my mind, body and spirit, I reflect upon the last year and all of the blessings in my life.

For obvious reasons, this last year has been unlike any other. Cutting out a massive activity that meant so many things to me: enjoyment, creativity, fulfillment, identity, obsession, stress, distraction, weakness. Letting go of shopping was never something I thought I could do, but I did, and it changed me.

I found better things to want. The want to do more for others, the want to explore, the want to be grateful, the want to focus on the now and make the most of it. I learnt that I can feel content without the constant high of "new". But mostly, I witnessed how quickly time passes.

Three hundred and sixty five days I held up my end of the deal. In return, I found peace. It is incredibly exhilarating to realize that you are stronger than your desires, and I think that is where the freedom comes from.

She's got the last day happies!

Free. That is the word I have used most in this past year to express to people how this life change with a time limit has felt. Now that time is up, I mostly feel nervous. I liked the comfort of my abstinence, the safety of my rules. Having reached my goal, my new aim is to find balance. Reintroducing myself into consumer society while maintaining control and somehow, holding onto freedom.

Not wanting to set myself up for failure, my rule for the year ahead is that I must save up in advance for any fashion or home decor items I want to buy. This concept wasn't an issue when I was thirteen, mowing lawns so I could buy a Club Monaco sweatshirt, but somehow I grew up into an "I'll pay it off later" person. The debt actually becoming a secondary evil to the constant want.

There are a handful of items on my radar that I've wanted as time has been passing— new Ray Bans, black patent stilettos, leather moto jacket, new runners, to name a few — but I'm in no rush. See? I'm new now. But I didn't get this way alone. I owe a lot of thanks to so many of you who have supported me and believed in me during my year. THANK YOU!

Encouragement is one of the most powerful things; put it on your shopping list!

Sarah xo

Unbuyer's Tip #16: Decide what you want to change, and get busy changing it every day. Do not be intimidated by time. Stand firm, stay focused, and one day you will open your eyes and be where you hoped you could be.


  1. Yay!! Congrats Sarah! What a year for you! Sounds like it's been so good in so many ways. Love the new outlook you have now and it can only be for the better (no more crazy debt - yay!!)
