Tuesday 25 February 2014

pack attack

Ever wonder how the fashion obsessed pack for a trip?  So do I.  I definitely have my process in place, refined by years of frequent travel, but I wonder sometimes if I'm the only one.  When it comes down to it I suppose we all find and do what works for us— so let me share what works for me!

Packing is no small feat in my house.  It is an event that I plan for and have to calendar, because yes, it can take that much time and effort.  As I said, years of travel have brought me to this place, where I know what I must do to have the best possible (outfit) experience once I hit my destination.

As I was packing for a trip earlier this month, I decided to list out what I do:

Step 1. Make a list of the dates I am away and the major activities on those dates 
Step 2. Begin soundtrack (for this trip it was Body Talk by Robyn)
Step 3. Assess the closet and pull out all possible options— taking into account weather, activities, travel companions and current fashion trends at my destination  

Helpful Hint: Find a fashion blogger who lives where you are going! (mystylepill.com & citybrewed.com were my top pics for this trip)

My Style Pill Blog

Step 4. Try on potential outfits for each day (usually a.m. and p.m. outfits) and eliminate the clothes that don't factor in
Step 5. Take a final pass at these outfits and see if I can eliminate anything, my goal being to bring pieces that can be used in 2-3 outfits.  

Helpful Hint: Pack one bonus casual outfit and one bonus evening outfit— this can help in case of clothing emergencies or if a friend has under-packed!

Step 6. Select handbags and accessories for each outfit 
Step 7. Choose 2 or 3 pieces of outerwear that will work with all outfits
Step 8. As a final step I take a photo of all items I am packing.  If you've ever lost your luggage, you will understand why I do this!

Bonus Step: Depending on the man in your life, you may need to repeat steps 1 through 8

This packing session was a success and my trip went off wardrobe disaster free!  Look out for my next post on how I handled a visit to one of the best shopping cities on the globe...

Sarah xo

Unbuyer's Tip #11: Always look on the bright side!  This was the first vacation where I have been able to pack my bags FULL because I didn't need to save room for purchases!


  1. Step 9:
    Boyfriend throws his clothes in suitcase... Packed in 5 minutes.

    1. Step 10: girlfriend has to repack because boyfriend can't fit everything in suitcase ;)

  2. Great advice Sarah ....... I particularly liked Step 10
